In 1956, Wilfy Rebimbus at the age of 14 years composed his first song and sang it. From then till his last breath in March 2010, Wilfy never looked back, but marched forward and took our mother tongue ‘Konkani ’ to the highest peak. He has given to our Konkani community more than 3000 songs. Over 40 Musical Albums, 6 Devotional Cd’s, music for 4 Konkani films, performed 248 Wilfy Nites in India, Gulf countries – Dubai, Abu Dabhi, Muscat, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait  & Canada, given music to over 500 plays, written 8 Konkani dramas, 4 Konkani Musical dramas. There is no area that Wilfy has not dealt through his songs. He has spoken of mother, motherland, mother – tongue, womanhood, nature, natural calamities that engulfed the world, family life, day to day struggles of a common man, love, romance, language, culture, tradition, religion, patriotism, social system…. all this and much more can be seen in his beautifully rendered poetry composed with a melodious tune.

Wilfy had a favorable atmosphere at home to nurture his talent.  From his childhood Wilfy was inspired by Roman stage plays based on Biblical themes staged in and around Jeppu every year.  His elder brother wanted Wilfy to study and take a career and have music only as a part time hobby.  But despite his efforts his brother did not succeed in convincing Wilfy the need to have a career other than music.

Having realized the need to have a forum ‘United Youngsters Konkan Cultural Association’ was established on October 18, 1959, by a group of 15 enthusiastic youngsters who were bound by their common love for sports, Konkani songs and stage plays and Wilfy’s talent guaranteed a facile entry. Initially it comprised non-Catholic members and hence the commonly acceptable name United Youngsters.   “Ixtagatecho Baandh” was the first play where Wilfy was able to play some songs to the tunes of Hindi songs.  Playing songs during stage changeover was a norm those days to keep people entertained.  But the urge to compose Konkani songs was intense and the opportunity came in the form of stage play “Poxanho Sounsar” played at Jeppu Club and the music was provided by United Youngsters.  Wilfy succeeded in putting his own songs as he had no compunctions to placate anyone.

United Youngsters slowly withered as members left the place for greener pastures and for two years Wilfy was left all alone except for one member. However, a group of youngsters came to Wilfy and promised to provide music and United Youngsters was revived.  “People changed, the music party changed but the name was retained”. By then Wilfy had slowly emerged on the scene and had established his popularity.  Between 1959 and 1970 Wilfy composed songs, wrote plays and provided music for more than 300 Konkani plays in Mangalore and Mumbai.
2009 was the Golden jubilee of his singing career and the formation of United Youngsters.  Celebrations included release of two books fourth edition of Kogull Gaitha and a research book “Kogulle Patlyan”, written by Nandini along with 3 Mega shows – 2nd August 2009 at T.M.A Pai Auditorium , 15th August 2009 at Don Bosco Hall and 18th October 2009 at Milagres Hall, Milagres. All these 3 shows were a grand success and witnessed overcrowded audiences.

Wilfy has been honoured with numerous awards in recognition of his unique talent and service.  But he said “nothing compares the love and affection showered by the people of this land who have made me what I am” and he said he will always be grateful to the banner United Youngsters for giving him a platform.

Founder-members of United Youngsters:

P J P D’sa
Harry D’Silva
Donald D’Souza
Clifford D’Souza
Adolphus D’Souza
Dr Ronald Mendonca
Vincent Lorena
Denzil Augustine
the late Wilfy Rebimbus
the late Egiteas Fontes
the late Lawrence D’Souza
the late Cyril D’Souza
the late Robert Pereira
the late Alphonso Sequeira
the late Alex D Souza
Members who Joined Later
Capt M J Pinto
Clifford Lorena
Rudolph S Saldanha
Willy Saldanha
J F D’ Souza
the late Basil Lobo
Joseph Figueira
the late C A D’Sa
the late Oswald Netto
Wilfy’s Accomplishments under the banner of United Youngsters


Stage Plays:

•    Poixancho Sounsar
•    Modern Novro
•    Doth Maka Naka
•    Bebdeachi Dhuv
•    Mai Maka Adainaka
•    Tisri Cheet
•    Kedi Bona B A
•    Besto Dubav
Konkani Musical Plays:
•    Hazar Umaleanchem Kazaar
•    Vechik Puth
•    Mother Theresa

Wilfy staged several musical nites and played under the banner of United Youngsters.

Mog ani Moipas, first coloured Konkani film was released under the banner of United Youngsters. Wilfy Rebimbus has given the story and music to this film. The producer for this film was Capt. Mervyn J Pinto.

This Movie was released in a DVD on the occasion of 50th celebration of United Youngsters, 248th Wilfy Nite at Milagres Hall, Mangalore As an honour to the producer of Mog ani Maipas the CD of this first Konkani colour movie was released by the mother of Captain Mervin Pinto – Mrs. Rose Pinto

By Florine Roche, Source: